ALERT us to scammers, abuse, false identities or false dating sites to help protect the Australian dating community!
With sexual assault, rape, harassment, scams, misrepresentation and abuse occurring every day to unsuspecting people looking for romance, these crimes go largely unreported due to victim embarrassment or feeling like they won’t be believed.
YOU CAN HELP prevent these people from repeat offending and protect other people from harm and financial loss. Simply report any suspicious behaviour, scams, assault and everything in between to QUICK LOOK. We will verify all information received and flag our database where offenders get a match. In the event we receive multiple reports, we alert the authorities.
Don’t stay silent. If you’ve been victimised, please, report it!
Who are you reporting?
What happens next?
Any information you report goes into our database and is assigned a “flag”. We have 3 levels – GREEN / ORANGE / RED which quickly alert us to any past history. This information is then stored and used to help us complete our comprehensive profiling of any new Quick Look requests. Any future enquiries on these same flagged individuals or services are immediately notified that they are flagged.